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What is Time Tots?

Time Tots is an exciting way to teach young children about the past.


We run weekly classes for 2-8 year olds and each week we focus on a different element of archaeology, history and palaeontology (dinosaurs!).


We cover:

Archaeological digs, Romans, Egyptians, Vikings, bones, pottery, coins, dinosaurs and much more!



Interactive fun

Children get involved every week. Digging, making, doing!

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Become an archaeologist, learn about the Egyptians, discover dinosaurs!

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Our activities encourage children to make links and think for themselves.

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Our sessions are fun, interactive and sometimes messy! They are designed specifically for 2-8 year olds but we don't dumb down our subjects; instead we simplify the concepts to allow the children to understand.


The concept of time and the past can be tricky for children to grasp. We gently feed the information into each class so that familiarity with the past becomes ingrained in their thinking.


We combine elements which are teacher-led with child-led activities to help develop both listening skills and independence. Whilst the children are having fun discovering the past they will also be practicing fine motor skills, listening and attention skills, gross motor skills as well as being active learners to investigate and "have a go". 


Classes are 45 minutes long and parents/carers stay with their child to enjoy the fun and learning together. 


Dr Emily Hellewell

Owner of Time Tots

About me

My name is Dr Emily Hellewell and I am a mum to three young boys, a trained archaeologist and lover of all things to do with the past.


I have years of experience running classes for pre-schoolers and spent 11 years studying archaeology- so Time Tots is my chance to combine my love of archaeology with my passion for teaching young children.


I know that children learn best when they are excited about the topic and included in the action so I design every Time Tots session with this in mind.


I did my PhD research in Stone Age (Mesolithic) burials so I am particularly interested in ancient bones and burial practices. Keep an eye out for this topic popping up in our classes!

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